Wednesday, January 7, 2015


FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES K-3, THERE IS A TWO-HOUR DELAY ON THURSDAY MORNING!  All buses will come two hours later and school will being at 10:45 AM.  Please see below for information about preschool.

Preschool on a 2-Hour Delay

Dear Family,
Here is the information regarding a two-hour delay from our Preschool Handbook.  Please read all the way to the bottom!

All 3-hour 9-12 morning preschool programs are cancelled.

The 4-hour, 9-1 program for our 4-year olds will operate with the two-hour delay, opening at 11:00 and ending at 1 pm.

*For those families accessing our early morning Preschool Extended Day program, we will have a two-hour delay and will open this program at 9:00.

*For 3 year old children who access our afternoon Extended Day program with either a 2:00, 3:15, or 4:30 dismissal, the program will be operating from 11-4:30. 3 year olds who typically attend class from 9-12 and then Lunch Bunch from 12-1 SHOULD NOT report to school.    

Michelle Costa