Tuesday, January 27, 2015


There will be no school on Wednesday, January 28, due to the continuing storm and the need for families and staff to dig out of Blizzard Juno!  In addition, the Principal's Coffee scheduled for Thursday morning with the Tri-Town Council will be postponed.  The date will be published as soon as it becomes available.

Second Grade "Weather Concert"

Each second grade class performed an improvisation number as well as a song that connected to the concept of weather.  There were calming beach sounds, terrifying tornadoes, trickling rain drops and freezing snowflakes.  So much action in one place!  If you have any other photos, please send them along! 

Making beach music

Recreating the tornado in Wizard of Oz

Another Frozen hit!

The tornado scene, incredible acting! 

K and 1 Know Math is Fun!

Students in grades K one engaging in centers during math and WIN (What I Need) time.

Composting Assembly-Black Earth Compost

We had a kick off assembly for our composting endeavor with the help of our organic hauling company, Black Earth Compost.  This company hauls our compost to Green Meadows Farm, a first grade field trip favorite!  Black Earth Compost offered this presentation to us to motivate the students and teach them about the process that occurs after the compost is taken from Steward School.  We thank Andrew Brousseau and Conor Miller from Black Earth for providing this wonderful learning opportunity!  Our Young Earth Savers at Steward (YESS) also performed to start the show!
To learn more visit, http://www.blackearthcompost.com.
Click Here to read the article in the Tri-Town Transcript!: Article in the Tri-Town

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Composting Started Today!!!

The amount of recycling TRIPLED today!
Mr. Mark usually empties four or five bags of trash.  Today, this was it!!!

Our first bin of compost

Mr. Prazar helps students sort before getting to the receptacles

We had so many parent helpers today.   Thank you!

Mrs. Bhuju teaches the children how to sort with visuals!



Members of our GREEN Topsfield Committee: Mrs. Bhuju, Mrs. Cann and Mr. Prazar

Ready to save the Earth!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Apple TV

Mrs. Burke used Apple TV during her Math in Focus lesson. This allows lessons to be interactive as students can mirror their work on the interactive whiteboard to share their thinking. One of these pictures shows all students' work simultaneously!

Lucy Teaches Mrs. Costa Fundations

In preparation for my role as a teacher tomorrow, Lucy teaches me Fundations! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES K-3, THERE IS A TWO-HOUR DELAY ON THURSDAY MORNING!  All buses will come two hours later and school will being at 10:45 AM.  Please see below for information about preschool.

Preschool on a 2-Hour Delay

Dear Family,
Here is the information regarding a two-hour delay from our Preschool Handbook.  Please read all the way to the bottom!

All 3-hour 9-12 morning preschool programs are cancelled.

The 4-hour, 9-1 program for our 4-year olds will operate with the two-hour delay, opening at 11:00 and ending at 1 pm.

*For those families accessing our early morning Preschool Extended Day program, we will have a two-hour delay and will open this program at 9:00.

*For 3 year old children who access our afternoon Extended Day program with either a 2:00, 3:15, or 4:30 dismissal, the program will be operating from 11-4:30. 3 year olds who typically attend class from 9-12 and then Lunch Bunch from 12-1 SHOULD NOT report to school.    

Michelle Costa