Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tipi Dan

Again, one of our favorite presentations at Steward, Tipi Dan and Cathy visited us today. They are experts on Native American culture by bringing real life experience of building a Tipi and details about the culture and history. The third graders did an amazing job! 

A Snapshot of Differentation

When walking around after lunch in grades K and 1, I was amazed at the amount of small group and partner work/play that was going on! Everyone was getting what they needed. Mrs. Casagrande had her students in suspense introducing their math centers for the day!

Dr. O Visits Mrs. Jordan's Class

Dr. Jack O'Mara, a professor at Endicott and the supervisor for our five amazing student teachers, shared his experience as a published author of a novel. He talked about visualization and the power of words to create pictures in our minds. 

Blogging Time!

Thank you for sending back your media permission slips. Now, let's start blogging!! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Evacuation Drill

This morning we had an evacuation practice drill and the students and staff
did an amazing job! Please read the safety bulletin we handed out at Parent Seminar for more information about our safety protocols.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GREEN and Healthy Lunch at Steward

The children at Steward are eating  lunches with a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables. They are also recycling, composting and stacking their REUSEABLE trays. We thank our new company, Whitsons, for the healthy food options, the GREEN team for being present during the first few weeks of sorting after eating and the cafeteria staff for making the shift to REUSEABLE trays to help us GO GREEN! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Parent Seminar

Please join us for Parent Seminar!

Thursday, September 17

Grades K and 1 from 7:00-7:45 PM
Grades 2 and 3 from 6:00-6:45 PM

What You Should Know:

  • Parking will be very challenging so carpool if you can and please plan to leave at 6:45 if you do not have a kindergarten or first grade student
  • Specialists will be present to answer questions (Reading and Math Support Specialists, Learning Specialists, School Psychologist and more)!
  • Members of the GREEN Team and the DASH program (Disability Awareness Starts Here) will be available to answer questions and offer ways you can help by volunteering in our schools
  • Members of TESPTO will be looking for those who may want to volunteer and to offer guidance to those who may be new or have questions about our school and/or our community
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Reusable Lunch Containers

I could not believe how many children were using reusable containers for their lunches on Friday! I had to make the transition myself. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School!

We are so excited for the children to arrive and for our Kindergarten Orientation on Thursday!  We are looking forward to a great year.  I hope your family had as much fun this summer as the Costas.  We know that the 2015-2016 school year will be a great one. Welcome back!