Monday, November 24, 2014

Matt Tavares-Famous Author Comes to Steward!

The children in grades K-3 enjoyed a TESPTO sponsored program starring Matt Tavares, children's author and illustrator.  They were so engaged listening to Matt read his books aloud and speak about the writing process.  He was a talented artist at a young age and never gave up his dream by practicing and sending his book to several publishers before it was accepted.  He showed the children his rough drafts and told them how certain illustrations took up to 50 hours.  If this didn't teach the children about perseverance and effort, I don't know what will!
Matt shows the children how he starts his sketches.

This was a picture he created around the age of 8!

Sharing his rough draft

His first published book!

After many revisions!

Showing how he uses models for his illustrations

Reading Aloud

Sneak Peek at a new book!