Friday, June 26, 2015

Second Grade Role Model Training

Delayed post:

Today we started preparing our second graders to be third-grade role models. We ran through many challenges and had the children do exercises to practice being role models. For example we had them lining up quickly, working quietly, doing a human knot to learn team work, trying to get their belongings in the super skinny lockers, creating a graffiti wall of role model tips and more!  Our third grade student council members gave the directions and facilitated each activity. We even had an expert panel of third graders giving advice about next year. 

Goodbye amazing third graders!

We will miss you! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Proctor Work A Day

We loved having Proctor sixth graders helping us this week during work a day! 

Staff Switch Day

Once a year we like to experience a different job so we can "walk in someone else's shoes." This week we had Staff Switch Day and here are teachers as other teachers, secretaries, reading specialists and more! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Last Student Council

Here are our fearless third grade leaders enjoying theirast student council of the year. They are preparing role model training for our second graders and making recycling bins for markers and tape dispensers. They have accomplished so much this year!